Master Manifesting Course

An Advanced Course In Manifesting

There are 95 reasons why our desires don't come into fruition after "asking the universe" or doing a sacred moon ritual. You get what you think. The subconscious accounts for 95% of your thoughts, behaviors and...thereby your reality. This course will teach you practical, easy ways to dissect and change your subconscious belief patterns. It's packed with channeled material on advanced manifesting and how to step into your highest expression by aligning with your soul and activating your potential now.


  • The biggest belief that keeps you from manifesting what you want
  • 5 major ways we get tripped up and how to change them
  • Channeled manifestation process from the Pleiadians
  • Manifestation meditation to bridge the gap between where you are and where you want to be
  • Deep belief clearings to help unblock your subconscious and energetic field and open you up to receive
  • Transcribed channeled material from the Pleiadians
  • BONUS worksheet to help you actualize your soul's purpose and begin to create abundance and empowerment now

All material is downloadable and yours to keep!

The course includes: One hour class as a video with slides or MP3, manifestation meditation with clearings MP3 and three PDFs including two powerful worksheets to help you activate your potential and step into your highest expression plus transcribed channeled messages from the Pleiadians on manifesting.

Your Instructor

Bree Melanson
Bree Melanson

Bree is a celebrated psychic and medium who’s shaking up the spiritual game by bringing a fresh, accessible, and raw approach to the work. Working with clients spanning across every industry and profession, lifestyle and life status, she’s helping people unplug from subconscious limitation and experience living their purpose and potential from a place of ease. By accessing subconscious programming and channeling some truth-bomb-rich messages from archangels and light beings, Bree inspires those around her to see the lighter side of life and encourages them to get on the joy-train straight to success, health and a love-based life. More on Bree and her story here...

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.
How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.

Get started now!